University Diploma
Input level
4 months
Hannah Arendt Campus - Chabran - FTLV
Study plan
Initial, Continuous
Cost of training

Rates voted by the Board of Directors on 16 April 2024 :
5,000 net of tax
For more information, please contact us: sec-du-fa@univ-avignon.fr
*University fees in addition to tuition fees

Mobilising your CPF

2023 session
Success rate
Learners 2023 session
Satisfaction rate


The job of adult trainer involves designing and running training programmes for a wide range of people, including jobseekers, employees and people undergoing professional retraining. The role of the adult trainer is to pass on knowledge, skills and interpersonal skills, with the aim of encouraging the professionalisation, qualification and integration or job retention of the people they support. They must be able to adapt to different audiences, create effective teaching materials and evaluate the results of their training activities. This profession is constantly evolving, with new training needs emerging all the time. Training organisations and companies have a growing need for highly qualified trainers, able to pass on not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills and professional attitudes. Our DUFA (Diplôme Universitaire de Formateurs d'Adultes) course enables you to meet this demand by providing you with a rigorous teaching framework and effective tools.

Avignon Université's University Diploma in Adult Education has been developed in partnership with other universities and is registered in the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (RNCP 36202). It can also be accessed via Mon Compte Personnel de Formation. Preparing for this diploma involves periods of training and practical placements in training structures.

Target groups
The DUFA course is specially designed for individuals with solid expertise and proven professional experience in one or more specific fields, whether general or technical. It aims to prepare these experts to embark on a career as a trainer, either as a specialist in their field, or as a versatile generalist trainer, capable of passing on their knowledge and contributing to the professional development of others.

Domain: Lifelong Learning

Description : The Lifelong Learning department promotes professional integration and social advancement. It enables employees or jobseekers to resume their studies throughout their lives in order to improve their skills or enhance their professional experience through diploma, certificate or qualification courses, as well as through the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE) or Professional Experience (VAP).

Director : Nabila Bellamine

Teaching and laboratory team

Philippe Gabriel, Ivan Alsina, Chadia Benamor Benighil, Muriel Bougrain, Thierry Chantefort, Assunta Fradier, Sylvia Heurtebize, Catherine Hugouvieux-Camarassa, Jeremy Jurand and Ilhem Khijadi.
General diagram of the domain Curriculum diagram RNCP skills correlation table Outline of the course


Admission requirements

The entry requirements for the Diplôme de Formateur d'Adultes d'Avignon Université are the baccalauréat or equivalent. If you do not meet this requirement but have significant professional experience, you can contact the VAP (Validation des Acquis Professionnels et Personnels) department at the following e-mail address: sec-VAPP@univ-avignon.fr. This service will be able to tell you about the possibilities for validating your professional and personal experience.

To apply for the second recruitment session of the diploma, please click on the link below.
This text will be updated shortly.

Courses and levels


Manager: Philippe Gabriel Voir le courriel

Manager: Philippe Gabriel Voir le courriel

Presentation of the course : The DUFA meets the needs of a wide range of people, depending on the type of diploma or experience they have.
of candidates prior to training.
The activities of DUFA holders mainly concern the professions that form the core business of
vocational training organisations and are directly involved in the teaching process -
running training schemes and providing individual advice and support - tasks carried out by
in complete autonomy.
The organisation of the DUFA falls within the scope of the objectives and missions of higher education and their
legislative and regulatory framework (Code de l'éducation articles L111-1 to L974-3). The DUFA provides
also implements the requirements of decree no. 2015-790 of 30 June 2015 on the quality of actions
of continuing vocational training. It is in line with the requirements for qualification
vocational training and continuing education for training staff: adapting systems
and assessment of trainees, matching resources to the needs of the trainees and the trainees' needs
teaching, technical and supervisory aspects of the training programme, etc. The DUFA is accessible via
validation of acquired experience (VAE).
Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
T-U09-0030 FPC ENVIRONMENT Hourly volume : 28h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
T-U09-0092 EVALUATION AND QUALITY IN TRAINING Hourly volume : 28h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
T-U09-0032 SEQUENCE DESIGN Hourly volume : 56h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 6.00
T-U09-0093 TRAINING LEADERSHIP, REGULATION AND SUPPORT Hourly volume : 77h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 6.00
T-U09-0094 METHODOLOGY AND PROJECT SUPPORT Hourly volume : 77h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 6.00
T-U09-0095 DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT AND TRAINING Hourly volume : 42h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
T-U09-0096 ADVICE AND SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUALS Hourly volume : 42h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
T-U09-0037 PRACTICAL COURSES Hourly volume : 210h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 30.00
T-U09-0038 COOPERATIVE WRITING AND STUDY WORKSHOPS Hourly volume : 28h00 Coefficients : Credits :

Job opportunities

Functions and professions
Trainer for adults and young adults returning to education.

Target skills
- Designing training and educational engineering
- Leading training programmes
- Carry out evaluations of training initiatives
- Supporting and guiding people in their training and integration pathways

The adult trainer intervenes
- training organisations (public, private or voluntary)
- in companies with training departments (construction, public works, insurance, agri-food, chemicals, luxury goods, telephony, telecommunications, metallurgy, health, cleaning, integration and in the public sector)
- in vocational training establishments (universities, schools)

Types of jobs directly accessible
- Instructor
- Adult trainer
- Consultant/trainer
- Educational trainer
- Training consultant
- Career development consultant
- Professional assessment manager
- Trainee engineer
- Assistant training engineer
- Training Manager
- Training coordinator
- Educational coordinator and trainer

Further studies
Once you have obtained a University Diploma in Adult Training, there are a number of ways in which you can continue your studies and take up a position in the professional world.
Here are a few examples:
- Licence professionnelle (vocational degree): Following a DU in adult education, a licence professionnelle (vocational degree) can be an interesting option for those wishing to deepen their skills in a specific field, while acquiring knowledge in pedagogy and training. Professional bachelor's degrees often focus on specific professions and sectors of activity, and can therefore offer practical experience and know-how. The Licence professionnelle Métiers de la GRH : formation compétences et emplois -Parcours Ingénierie, conseil et animation de formation offered at Avignon Université is a relevant extension for DUFA students.
- Level 6 diploma: A level 5 DU in Adult Education can also be a stepping stone towards a level 6 State Diploma or University Diploma in vocational training. These diplomas can be used for jobs such as training consultant, training manager or training centre director. The DU Responsable de Formation offered by Avignon Université is particularly interesting for DUFA students looking for a high-level professional qualification.
- Continuing education: The DUFA provides a solid foundation for access to professional training in the field. Adult trainers can then continue to develop their skills throughout their career by attending further training courses, professional development workshops, conferences and so on. These initiatives enable them to keep abreast of trends and advances in their field, and to develop their professional skills.

Lifelong Learning

Relais Handicap

Training accessible to people with disabilities. Contact the Relais Handicap :

The SFTLV has a disability advisor:
04 32 74 32 20


Application form 2nd session 24-25

Recruitment session: Open from 15 November 2024 to 07 February 2025



+33 (0)4 32 74 32 30

Important documents and links


DUFA 1 schedule

DUFA 2 planning


RNCP sheet

Once you have registered, you will be asked to use the Digital Working Environment (ENT). Find out how to use it: Digital Working Environment (ENT)

Continuing education rate

Rates voted by the Board of Directors on 16 April 2024 :
5,000 net of tax
For more information, please contact us: sec-du-fa@univ-avignon.fr
*University fees in addition to tuition fees

Mobilising your CPF

Practical information

Lifelong Learning



Find out more


Practical information
Lifelong Learning Service

1, Avenue de Saint Jean


Tel: 04 32 74 32 20

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