Input level
BAC +3
2 years
Campus Hannah Arendt - Bâtiment Nord
Study plan
Initial, Continuous
Cost of training
Social policies


The Master's in Social Policy aims to respond to the need for professionalisation and qualifications for managers in the social and health sectors.

Growing and extremely diverse social needs (linked in particular to the ageing of the population, early childhood, lack of affordable housing, job insecurity, growing poverty, etc.), citizens' demanding expectations in terms of services provided and service relationships, scarce resources in a context of great institutional complexity: all these factors call into question the capacity of public action to develop active solidarity in line with the principles on which the republican pact is founded.

To meet these challenges, local and regional authorities (depending on their respective areas of competence), their associated bodies, as well as many private structures (associations, mutual societies, cooperatives, foundations, joint-stock companies) or public-private structures (such as semi-public companies) will need to recruit competent managers in the future. The Master's degree trains operational professionals to prepare for competitive examinations in the local civil service or for recruitment as managers in social establishments or social enterprises.

M2 students will undertake a 3-month placement in a social policy organisation.
As part of this process, they will write a dissertation for a final presentation.

Corporate partnerships
The Master's programme maintains close links with the social action departments of the Vaucluse, Gard and Drôme départements. General managers from the solidarity sectors, as well as functional managers, are involved in the course.
In addition, the master's programme is a member of PROMESS 84, the network of social economy players in the Vaucluse, which provides work placements and job offers, and has forged partnerships with the Regional Chamber of Social Economy (CRESS PACA) and numerous professional networks (such as the ACRRA association, the Collectif Insertion Emploi 84, EUROPLIE, the Collège Coopératif Méditerranée, etc.). The links forged with local social enterprises (LVD, Groupe SOLIMUT, etc.), whose directors are involved in the Master's programme, provide high-quality career opportunities.

Laboratory partnerships
The lecturers associated with this master's programme are members of the Laboratoire Biens, Normes et Contrats (LBNC, EA 3788) at the University of Avignon. Their research focuses on two areas: the sociology of public action, and the social economy and social entrepreneurship.
The team is made up of economists, political scientists, legal experts and managers who are members of numerous national and international scientific networks: These include the Réseau Inter-Universitaire de l'Économie Sociale et Solidaire (RIUESS), the RIHEPS (Réseau International des Hautes Études en Pratiques Sociales), the AFDT (Association Française de Droit du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale), the Association française d'Économie Sociale (AES) and the ARIMHE (Association pour la Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur le Management des Entreprises).

School partnerships
This course is supported by a solid network of professional and institutional partners in the private and public sectors (in the form of associations or limited companies): local authorities, large social enterprises, training institutes in the health and social sector, hospitals, medico-social establishments, human services or economic and social integration structures, specialised audit and training companies.
These various organisations, along with the consular chambers and employers' groups in the sector, are involved in training, and are places for qualifying work placements and potential employers for students.

Domain: Culture, Heritage and Digital Societies

Description : This text will be updated shortly.

Dean :

Teaching and laboratory team

Data governance course :
Programme coordinator: Gael Depoorter; M2 coordinator: Gael Depoorter; M1 coordinator: Christina Koumpli

Social policies course :
Programme coordinator: Jessica Sainty; M2 coordinator: Jessica Sainty; M1 coordinator: Ouassim Hamzaoui

Public Policy Masters teaching team :
Jean-Robert ALCARAS Senior Lecturer in Economics
Michaël BARDIN - Senior lecturer in public law
Aline BLONDOT - Associate Professor of English
Thibault CARRERE - Senior lecturer in public law
Gaël DEPOORTER - Senior lecturer in political science
Patrick GIANFALDONI Senior Lecturer in Economics
Bérengère GLEIZE-PERROUTY - Senior Lecturer in Private Law
Jérôme JOUBERT - Senior lecturer in economics
Pierre JOURLIN - Senior lecturer in computer science.
Christina KOUMPLI - Senior lecturer in public law
Vincent LABUTUT - Senior lecturer in computer science
Guillaume MARREL - Professor of political science
Jimmy MERLET - Senior lecturer in economics
Pierre-Henri MORAND - Professor of economics
Alice MORNET - Senior Lecturer in Private Law
Agnès PARADAS - Senior lecturer in management science
Eric SANJUAN - Senior lecturer in computer science

Laboratory website -JPEG
The HAL page for publications by the laboratory's researchers: HAL site
General diagram of the domain Curriculum diagram RNCP skills correlation table Outline of the course


Courses and levels


Manager: Ouassim Hamzaoui Voir le courriel

Manager: Ouassim Hamzaoui Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-7651 IDENTIFYING THE INSTITUTIONAL REGULATIONS GOVERNING SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 115h30 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 16.00
D-E04-7651 HISTORY OF SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 24h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7652 SOCIAL POLICIES AND PUBLIC ACTION Hourly volume : 24h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7653 LOCAL AUTHORITY LAW AND PUBLIC FINANCE Hourly volume : 24h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7654 EMPLOYMENT LAW Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7655 ORGANISATION AND PLAYERS IN SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 12h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-7656 TD LANSAD : SOCIAL ISSUES AND POLICIES Hourly volume : 13h30 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-U04-7652 MANAGING SOCIAL POLICY ORGANISATIONS Hourly volume : 99h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 14.00
D-E04-7657 ANALYSIS OF SERVICE ORGANISATIONS Hourly volume : 24h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7658 HUMAN RESOURCES AND TEAM MANAGEMENT Hourly volume : 24h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7659 BUDGET MANAGEMENT AND FORECASTING Hourly volume : 24h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7660 STATISTICAL PROCESSING OF QUANTITATIVE DATA Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
T-E12-7661 DOCUMENTATION AND THEORETICAL REFERENCING Hourly volume : 06h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00

Manager: Ouassim Hamzaoui Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-7661 USING DATA AND TOOLS TO ANALYSE SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 112h30 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 16.00
D-E04-7671 THE SOCIAL STATE AND MACRO-ECONOMIC REGULATION Hourly volume : 24h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7672 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 24h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7673 QUANTIFYING SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7674 AND PARTICIPATION IN SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7675 TD LANSAD : SOCIAL ISSUES AND POLICIES Hourly volume : 13h30 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00
D-E04-7676 AMS: SURVEY TECHNIQUES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 3.00
D-U04-7662 APPLYING MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TO SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 96h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 14.00
D-E04-7677 CSR AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-7678 MANAGEMENT CONTROL Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 1.00
D-E04-7679 SOCIAL ECONOMY AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Hourly volume : 24h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7680 PUBLIC HEALTH MANAGEMENT Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-7681 SENSITIVE DATA LAW Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-7682 AMS: WORK PLACEMENT (5 WEEKS + REPORT) Hourly volume : 12h00 Coefficients : 6.00 Credits : 4.00


Manager: Jessica Sainty Voir le courriel

Manager: Jessica Sainty Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-7671 ANALYSING THE PUBLIC AND THE LOCAL PLAYERS INVOLVED IN SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 114h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 13.00
D-E04-7701 LOCAL POLITICAL SPACES Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7702 CORPORATE SOCIAL ECONOMY Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7703 DEMATERIALISATION AND DIGITAL INCLUSION Hourly volume : 24h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7737 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 1.00
D-E04-7705 TD LANSAD : SOCIAL ISSUES AND POLICIES Hourly volume : 13h30 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00
D-E04-7706 INTERNSHIP & PORTFOLIO SUPPORT Hourly volume : 06h00 Coefficients : Credits : 1.00
D-E04-7707 AMS: SOCIAL POLICY ORGANISATIONS AND PLAYERS Hourly volume : 13h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 1.00
D-U04-7672 ASSESSING MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING IN SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 131h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 17.00
D-E04-7708 MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING IN THE SOCIAL SECTOR Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7709 MANAGEMENT OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7710 EVALUATIONS OF SOCIAL ACTION POLICIES AND STRUCTURES Hourly volume : 24h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7711 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND FORECASTS Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-7712 HRM AND GPEC. METHODS AND TOOLS Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7713 AMS: TUTORE PROJECT Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 5.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7714 AMS: TUTORING FOR PROFESSIONALISATION CONTRACTS Hourly volume : 08h00 Coefficients : 5.00 Credits : 3.00

Manager: Jessica Sainty Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-7681 DEVELOPING YOUR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE IN SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 70h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 19.00
D-E04-7731 PROFESSIONALIZATION WORKSHOPS: SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-7732 PROFESSIONALISATION WORKSHOPS: LOCAL PUBLIC ACTION Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-7733 TD LANSAD : SOCIAL ISSUES AND POLICIES Hourly volume : 13h30 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-7734 INTERNSHIP & PORTFOLIO SUPPORT Hourly volume : 06h00 Coefficients : Credits : 1.00
D-E04-7735 DISSERTATION METHODOLOGY Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-E04-7736 AMS : APPLIED RESEARCH DISSERTATION Hourly volume : 06h00 Coefficients : 5.00 Credits : 10.00
D-U04-7682 MANAGING SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 74h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 11.00
D-E04-7704 INEQUALITY AND DISCRIMINATION Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 1.00
D-E04-7738 DATA MANAGEMENT AND DATA VISUALISATION Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-7739 PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AND SOCIAL CLAUSES Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-7740 AMS: TUTORE PROJECT Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 5.00 Credits : 5.00
D-E04-7741 AMS: TUTORING FOR PROFESSIONALISATION CONTRACTS Hourly volume : 08h00 Coefficients : 5.00 Credits : 5.00

Job opportunities

Target skills
The current context of social policies (which has been greatly changed by contemporary transformations in the economic and social situation, public policies and the players involved) is having a major impact on the consolidation of new social work professions and new management functions. Skills and professions are less and less likely to be produced by social policies themselves, or by the professions and players involved in social work or its practice.

This traditional attitude is slowing down or even reversing in favour of new expectations that this master's programme seeks to anticipate. When it comes to social policies, the expression of professional needs is now based less on the logic of qualifications and professions centred on the end user, and more on the functions and skills required by the production as such of public policies and public action and its segments: analysis and decision-making support, design and engineering, implementation and organisation, steering and management, evaluation and measurement, all of which presuppose a very good knowledge of the players and rules involved in the field of social policies.

The aim of this Master's programme is to train the new "social engineers" who, equipped with these skills and this culture, will be able to implement pragmatic actions in the field of social policies.


Functions and professions :
- multi-skilled manager in decentralised social organisations ;
- consultant and project manager for local authorities ;
- integration officer ;
- manager in establishments in the health and social sector or in the medico-social sector;
- manager in personal services (early childhood, the elderly, etc.);
- framework in the mutual, cooperative and association networks.

Further studies
After the Master 2, preparation for specific competitive examinations in the field, training and professional qualifications in the Doctorate field. Graduate careers : Find out what has become of our former graduates on the Observatoire des Formations et de l'Insertion Professionnelle page:

Lifelong Learning

Relais Handicap

Training accessible to people with disabilities. Contact the Relais Handicap :

The SFTLV has a disability advisor:
04 32 74 32 20

Important documents and links

Once you have registered, you will be asked to use the Digital Working Environment (ENT). Find out how to use it: Digital Working Environment (ENT)

Continuing education rate
Practical information

Lifelong Learning



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Practical information
Tel :04 90 16 27 16

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