Input level
BAC +3
1 year
Campus Hannah Arendt - Bâtiment Nord
Study plan
Initial, Continuing, Part-time
Cost of training

Rates voted by the Board of Directors on 16 April 2024 :
7,500 net of tax

For more information: contact us:


Social policies
2023 session
Success rate
Learners 2023 session
Satisfaction rate
12-month pro integration for the 2022 session
Professional integration rate


Training objectives :
In order to provide a real foundation for the process of professionalising management in the social and medico-social sector, it was essential to anchor the training of future managers in a cross-disciplinary and cooperative approach. It was with this in mind that Collège Coopératif and Avignon Université took the initiative, in line with their skills and missions, to jointly organise and run the CAFERUIS (certificate of aptitude for the function of manager and head of social intervention unit) and the Masters in Social Policies.
The cross-disciplinary approach built up between these two courses enables participants, subject to successful completion, to obtain CAFERUIS certification and validate the 1st year of the level 6 Masters in Social Policy. The course is designed to meet the professional development and qualification needs of managers and senior managers in the social and medico-social sectors. Responsible for a work unit or managing a small establishment, their role is to manage teams and/or perform cross-functional functions. They are an essential link in the organisation, guaranteeing the quality of service provided to users.

Public concerned:
Candidates who have obtained either :
- A state-approved diploma with at least level 5 classification
- A diploma, certificate or other evidence of formal qualifications listed in the National Vocational Qualifications Directory (répertoire national des certifications professionnelles) and classified at least at level 6 of the National Vocational Qualifications Framework (cadre national des certifications professionnelles)
- An educational qualification (at least 2 years of higher education study) awarded by the State, nationally, or approved by the minister responsible for higher education, or a diploma, certificate or title registered in the national register of professional certifications classified at level 5 of the national framework of professional certifications
- A diploma classified at level 4 of professional qualifications, issued by the French State

Candidates are automatically admitted to the course after submitting their application:
- Having signed an apprenticeship contract
- Having previously acquired one or more of the areas of competence of the certificate of aptitude for the functions of supervisor and manager of a social intervention unit.
- Candidates who have already acquired one or more skills blocks of the certificate of aptitude for the functions of supervisor and manager of a social intervention unit.

For any diploma awarded abroad, a certificate justifying the level of the diploma (issued on request by a body authorised for this purpose) must be provided by the candidate.

Internships and sandwich courses (apprenticeships only) :
The work placement is linked to all the training units. It is carried out with a professional in a managerial or executive position in a social or medico-social establishment.

Lasting 420 hours (can be reduced to a maximum of 210 hours under certain conditions), the location and dates of the work placement are to be determined by the trainee during the course. The work placement is the subject of a work placement project and a work placement agreement.

For apprenticeship contracts, apprentices will spend 3 weeks in the company and 1 week on the course. A 35-hour work placement will be carried out outside the apprenticeship establishment.

Target skills :
- Analysing the socio-economic environment and anticipating future organisations
- Carrying out an organisational diagnosis and managing change
- Choose the management tools best suited to the problems encountered in the business
- Mastering accounting and budgetary principles
- Leading and mobilising a team
- Developing a communication strategy and managing networks
- Promoting and leading a quality approach in social and medico-social establishments
- Managing the activities of a social intervention unit
- Managing the human resources of a social intervention unit
- Manage the administrative, logistical and budgetary aspects of a social intervention unit
- Contribute to the establishment or service project

Information meeting :
The next information meeting will be held on 16 May 2024 from 4pm to 6pm.
Location: Lifelong Learning Department in Avignon (84 000, 1 avenue de Saint-Jean)
For more information, please contact us:

Domain: Lifelong Learning

Description : The Lifelong Learning department promotes professional integration and social advancement. It enables employees or jobseekers to resume their studies throughout their lives in order to improve their skills or enhance their professional experience through diploma, certificate or qualification courses, as well as through the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE) or Professional Experience (VAP).

Director :

Teaching and laboratory team

Data governance course :
Programme coordinator: Guillaume Marrel; M2 coordinator: Pierre-Henri Morand; M1 coordinator: Gaël Depoorter

Social policies course :
Programme coordinator: Jessica Sainty; M2 coordinator: Jessica Sainty; M1 coordinator: Ouassim Hamzaoui

Public Policy Masters teaching team :
Jean-Robert ALCARAS Senior Lecturer in Economics
Michaël BARDIN - Senior lecturer in public law
Aline BLONDOT - Associate Professor of English
Thibault CARRERE - Senior lecturer in public law
Gaël DEPOORTER - Senior lecturer in political science
Patrick GIANFALDONI Senior Lecturer in Economics
Bérengère GLEIZE-PERROUTY - Senior Lecturer in Private Law
Jérôme JOUBERT - Senior lecturer in economics
Pierre JOURLIN - Senior lecturer in computer science.
Christina KOUMPLI - Senior lecturer in public law
Vincent LABUTUT - Senior lecturer in computer science
Guillaume MARREL - Professor of political science
Jimmy MERLET - Senior lecturer in economics
Pierre-Henri MORAND - Professor of economics
Alice MORNET - Senior Lecturer in Private Law
Agnès PARADAS - Senior lecturer in management science
Eric SANJUAN - Senior lecturer in computer science

Laboratory website -JPEG
The HAL page for publications by the laboratory's researchers: HAL site
General diagram of the domain Curriculum diagram RNCP skills correlation table Outline of the course


Courses and levels


Manager: Ouassim Hamzaoui Voir le courriel

Manager: Jessica Sainty Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
T-U09-5151 UNIT 1 TECHNICAL FILE - BLOCK 1 Hourly volume : 150h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 13.00
T-E09-5151 UCE 1 TECHNICAL FILE Hourly volume : 100h00 Coefficients : Credits :
T-E09-5152 UCE 2 TUTORED PROJECTS Hourly volume : 03h00 Coefficients : Credits :
T-E09-5153 UCE 3 CERTIFICATION TECHNICAL FILE Hourly volume : 02h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 6.00
T-E09-5154 UCE 4 SOCIOLOGY OF PUBLIC ACTION Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 5.00
T-E09-5155 UCE 5 HISTORY OF SOCIAL POLICY DOCTRINES Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00
T-E09-5156 UCE 6 WRITING WORKSHOP Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00
T-U09-5152 UNIT 2 TEAM MANAGEMENT - BLOCK 2 Hourly volume : 100h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 14.00
T-E09-5157 UCE 1 TEAM MANAGEMENT AND MOBILISING STAKEHOLDERS Hourly volume : 53h00 Coefficients : Credits :
T-E09-5158 UCE 2 TEAM MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION Hourly volume : 01h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 10.00
T-E09-5159 UCE 3 DECISION ENGINEERING IN COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTS Hourly volume : 14h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 4.00
T-E09-5160 UCE 4 F.O.A.D (DISTANCE LEARNING) Hourly volume : 30h00 Coefficients : Credits :
T-E09-5161 UCE 7 MANAGERIAL SITUATION STUDY Hourly volume : 02h00 Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-5153 UNIT 3 ADMINISTRATIVE, BUDGETARY AND LOGISTICAL MANAGEMENT - BLOCK 3 Hourly volume : 60h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 8.00
T-E09-5162 UCE 1 ADMINISTRATIVE, BUDGETARY AND LOGISTICAL MANAGEMENT Hourly volume : 56h00 Coefficients : Credits :
T-E09-5163 UCE 2 CERTIFICATION ADMINISTRATIVE, BUDGETARY AND LOGISTICAL MANAGEMENT Hourly volume : 04h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 8.00
T-U09-5154 UNIT 4 PROJECT DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT - BLOCK 4 Hourly volume : 90h00 Coefficients : 8.00 Credits : 15.00
T-E09-5164 CEU 1 MEMORY SUPPORT Hourly volume : 04h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 7.00
T-E09-5165 UCE 2 DISSERTATION DEFENCE Hourly volume : 02h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 4.00
T-E09-5166 UCE 3 PROJECT DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT Hourly volume : 56h00 Coefficients : Credits : 4.00
T-E09-5167 UCE 4 TUTORED PROJECTS Hourly volume : 03h00 Coefficients : Credits :
T-E09-5168 UCE 3 F.O.A.D (DISTANCE LEARNING) Hourly volume : 25h00 Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-5155 UE 5 MULTIDISCIPLINARY ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 40h00 Coefficients : 5.00 Credits : 10.00
T-E09-5169 UCE 1 RECONFIGURATION OF THE SOCIAL STATE Hourly volume : 16h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 5.00
T-E09-5170 UCE 2 ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL ACTION SERVICE ORGANISATIONS Hourly volume : 24h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 5.00

Job opportunities

- Middle management in the private and public sector
- Socio-educational executive
- Director of small organisations
- Head of department
- Project manager
- Division or unit manager

Lifelong Learning

Relais Handicap

Training accessible to people with disabilities. Contact the Relais Handicap :

The SFTLV has a disability advisor:
04 32 74 32 20


The 2024-2025 bids are available by clicking on the following link:

Application form 


Lifelong learning
74 rue Louis Pasteur
84029 Avignon
Tel: +33 (0)4 90 16 29 58

Training secretariat :

Important documents and links

CAFERUIS programme

CAFERUIS presentation brochure


Once you have registered, you will be asked to use the Digital Working Environment (ENT). Find out how to use it: Digital Working Environment (ENT)

Continuing education rate

Rates voted by the Board of Directors on 16 April 2024 :
7,500 net of tax

For more information: contact us:


Practical information

Lifelong Learning



Find out more


Practical information
Lifelong Learning

1, Avenue de Saint Jean


Tel: 04 32 74 32 28

Other training courses