Input level
3 years
Campus Hannah Arendt - Bâtiment Nord
Study plan
Initial, Continuous
Business administration - Social policies


Domain: Culture, Heritage and Digital Societies

Description : This text will be updated shortly.

Dean :

Teaching and laboratory team

The Bachelor's degree in Economic and Social Administration (AES) at the Université d'Avignon is a unique course. This demanding course combines the study of social, economic and political sciences, while reinforcing skills in the management and administration of organisations.

The degree is shared with the political science degree and the emphasis placed on numerical and mathematical tools, making it particularly well suited to students who want to study political and economic systems and develop a rigorous, multidisciplinary analytical approach.

Its specific structure, in which around 50 % of courses are shared with the political science degree from the University of Avignon, makes it a particularly unique degree. This mutualisation covers a broad spectrum, from introduction to political science or economics to behavioural economics and administrative or constitutional law.

This political dimension is reinforced by solid training in the legal sciences, making the degree particularly demanding in terms of law and understanding of institutions. Rigorous attendance monitoring will be introduced throughout the semesters to ensure that students are involved in their studies.

Specific requirements and skills :

This degree requires a good level of mathematics, particularly in relation to statistical tools. Students should be comfortable with the digital tools that are essential for analysing economic and social data.
The course also aims to enhance students' skills in computer programming and digital data processing, which are essential in modern management and administration professions. These skills are essential in fields such as economic analysis and organisational management.
The expected level of mathematics is higher than in a traditional AES degree, in particular because of the structure of the teaching around economics and management.

Avignon Université's AES degree aims to achieve several educational objectives:

- The acquisition of fundamental knowledge in the administration of public and private organisations, essential to their socio-economic, technical and managerial functioning.
- Developing the ability to think analytically and critically, which is essential if you are to evolve in a constantly changing professional and academic environment.
- Mastery of numerical tools and statistical methods to approach and process the data needed to manage organisations and analyse economic and social systems.
- Analysis of political and transnational issues with a view to providing an in-depth understanding of foreign political systems and the diversity of societies in a globalised context.

At the end of the course, students should be able to :

- Use the main concepts from law, economics and the social sciences to analyse documents and real-life situations.
- Identify the functions of a public or private organisation and understand its relationships with its stakeholders.
- Use fundamental tools, methods and languages (quantitative, IT and statistical techniques) applied to the social and economic sciences.
- Applying the methods needed to pass administrative competitions, both written and oral.
- Working as part of a team and network, while demonstrating autonomy and responsibility in project management.
- Identify, select and critically analyse resources in their specialist field to document a subject and summarise this information for further use.
- Analysing and summarising data, whether quantitative or qualitative, with a view to its interpretation and practical use.
- Communicate clearly and precisely, both orally and in writing, in at least one foreign language (particularly English)

Campus France :

The AES programme at the University of Avignon is specific and does not correspond to a traditional AES programme or an economics and management programme. Approximately 50 % of the courses are shared with the political science degree at Avignon University, although they are not exclusively political science courses (for example: Introduction to Political Science, Behavioural Economics, etc.). As a result, the level required in sociology and, to a lesser extent, political science is particularly high. What's more, the strong links with teachers in the legal sciences make this degree demanding in terms of law. Finally, the links with economics and management require a good level of mathematics.

Level of French B2.

Licence coordinator: Jimmy Merlet

Teaching team :

Licence 1 coordinator: Jimmy Merlet
Degree 2 coordinator: Renaud Descamps
Head of Licence 3: Licence 3 will not open until 2025-2026

Laboratory : Legal, Political, Economic and Management Sciences Laboratory (JPEG)

Director: Christèle Lagier
Deputy Director: François Fulconis

JPEG is a multidisciplinary research unit that brings together lawyers, political scientists, economists and managers to work on unifying research projects. It is structured around 3 research themes: Voting and Democracy, Labour and Employment, and Digital Societies.
General diagram of the domain Curriculum diagram RNCP skills correlation table Outline of the course


Admission requirements

Admission requirements

- Admission to L1 AES: via Parcoursup
- Capacity in L1 AES: 140 places
- Motivation to start long-term university studies
- Admission to L2 and L3 AES is subject to assessment by the teaching staff following submission of an application for validation of studies to the school.
-> Licence 3 does not open until 2025-2026

Courses and levels


Manager: Jimmy Merlet Voir le courriel

Manager: Jimmy Merlet Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-2501 UNIT 1: INDEPENDENT STUDY Hourly volume : 06h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00
T-E15-1001 DOCUMENTATION Hourly volume : 06h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00
D-U04-2502 UNIT 2: MASTERING BASIC SOCIAL SCIENCE CONCEPTS Hourly volume : 108h00 Coefficients : 6.00 Credits : 14.00
D-E04-2306 INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS (CM) Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2502 INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS (TD) Hourly volume : 13h30 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00
D-E04-2307 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2301 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 5.00
D-U04-2503 UNIT 3: MASTERING THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF LAW AND MANAGEMENT Hourly volume : 81h00 Coefficients : 6.00 Credits : 10.00
D-E04-2304 POLITICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE INSTITUTIONS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-2503 INTRODUCTION TO THE LAW Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-2504 INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-U04-2504 UNIT 4: MODELLING ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS Hourly volume : 31h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-2505 APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTING 1 Hourly volume : 31h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-L04-2001 OPENING UNIT S1 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
D-U04-9041 ELECTIVE 1 -SEMESTER 1 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-U04-9048 CHOICE OF OPENING COURSE 2 -SEMESTER 1 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-L04-0003 UE OF REINFORCEMENT Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
D-U04-9225 UER MATHEMATICS FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00

Manager: Jimmy Merlet Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-2521 UNIT 1: COMMUNICATING IN ENGLISH Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-2521 TD LANSAD: ENGLISH Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-U04-2522 UNIT 2: PROCESSING DATA AND PRODUCING INFORMATION Hourly volume : 76h30 Coefficients : 6.00 Credits : 10.00
D-E04-2522 STATISTICS Hourly volume : 31h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2523 GENERAL ACCOUNTING Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-2524 MARKETING Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-U04-2523 UNIT 3: IDENTIFYING LEGAL AND POLITICAL FRAMEWORKS Hourly volume : 81h00 Coefficients : 6.00 Credits : 10.00
D-E04-2311 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (CM) Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-2308 INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE (CM) Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-2310 POLITICAL LIFE IN THE FIFTH REPUBLIC Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-U04-2524 UE4: UNDERSTANDING MACROECONOMIC POLICY TOOLS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2525 MACROECONOMICS 1 Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-U04-0827 UE SUPPORT Hourly volume : Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
T-E12-0806 PROJECT SUPPORT Hourly volume : 12h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-0231 DISCIPLINARY SUPPORT Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
T-E12-0812 FRENCH Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-L04-2002 OPENING UNIT S2 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
D-U04-9042 ELECTIVE COURSE 1 -SEMESTER 2 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-U04-9049 CHOICE OF OPENING COURSE 2 -SEMESTER 2 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-L04-0004 UE OF REINFORCEMENT Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
D-U04-9224 UER MATHEMATICS Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-U04-9222 UER ECONOMIC SCIENCE Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00


Manager: Renaud Descamps Voir le courriel

Manager: Jerome Joubert Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-2541 UNIT 1: WORKING IN A PROFESSIONAL CONTEXT Hourly volume : 45h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-2541 TD LANSAD: ENGLISH Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00
D-E04-2320 CM EMILE 2 Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00
D-E04-2542 COMPUTING 2 Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 1.00
D-U04-2542 UNIT 2: INTERPRETING ECONOMIC TRENDS Hourly volume : 94h30 Coefficients : 7.00 Credits : 13.00
D-E04-2543 MICRO 1 Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 5.00
D-E04-2324 HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2544 MONEY AND CREDIT Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-U04-2543 UNIT 3: UNDERSTANDING HOW ORGANISATIONS WORK Hourly volume : 88h30 Coefficients : 7.00 Credits : 12.00
D-E04-2319 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2545 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND SOCIOLOGY OF ORGANISATIONS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2546 BUSINESS LAW Hourly volume : 34h30 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 4.00
T-B12-0003 ENTREPRENEURSHIP COURSE S3 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U12-0521 UNIT 1 DISCOVERING BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Hourly volume : 30h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
T-U12-0502 UNIT 2 CARRYING OUT MARKET RESEARCH AND DEFINING THE OFFER Hourly volume : 30h00 Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
D-L04-3001 OPENING UNIT S3 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
D-U04-9043 ELECTIVE COURSE 1 -SEMESTER 3 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-U04-9050 ELECTIVE COURSE 2 -SEMESTER 3 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00

Manager: Gael Depoorter Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-2551 UNIT 1: DESIGNING AND BUILDING YOUR CAREER PATH Hourly volume : 30h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2561 TD LANSAD: ENGLISH Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-2562 CAREER GUIDANCE PROJECT Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-U04-2552 UNIT 2 UNDERSTANDING AND MEASURING SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR Hourly volume : 55h30 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 8.00
D-E04-2330 BEHAVIOURAL ECONOMICS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2563 QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES Hourly volume : 19h30 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-2564 AMS: CONDUCTING AND USING QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Hourly volume : 09h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00
D-U04-2553 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING AND SITUATING PUBLIC POLICIES Hourly volume : 108h00 Coefficients : 6.00 Credits : 12.00
D-E04-2331 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2326 COMPARATIVE POLITICS 1: DEMOCRACIES Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 5.00
D-E04-2329 POLICY AND MACRO-ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 3.00
D-U04-2554 UNIT 4: DIAGNOSING THE FINANCIAL OPERATIONS OF COMPANIES Hourly volume : 28h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2565 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND COST ACCOUNTING Hourly volume : 28h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
T-B12-0004 ENTREPRENEURSHIP COURSE S4 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U12-0514 UNIT 3 MASTERING THE BASICS OF MANAGEMENT Hourly volume : 50h00 Coefficients : Credits : 5.00
T-U12-0515 UNIT 4 TAKING OVER A COMPANY Hourly volume : 20h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-L04-9004 OPENING UNIT S4 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
D-U04-9044 ELECTIVE COURSE 1 -SEMESTER 4 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-U04-9054 CHOICE OF OPENING COURSE 2 -SEMESTER 4 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00

Manager: Gael Depoorter Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-2541 UNIT 1: WORKING IN A PROFESSIONAL CONTEXT Hourly volume : 45h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-2541 TD LANSAD: ENGLISH Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00
D-E04-2320 CM EMILE 2 Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00
D-E04-2542 COMPUTING 2 Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 1.00
D-U04-2542 UNIT 2: INTERPRETING ECONOMIC TRENDS Hourly volume : 94h30 Coefficients : 7.00 Credits : 13.00
D-E04-2543 MICRO 1 Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 5.00
D-E04-2324 HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2544 MONEY AND CREDIT Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-U04-2543 UNIT 3: UNDERSTANDING HOW ORGANISATIONS WORK Hourly volume : 88h30 Coefficients : 7.00 Credits : 12.00
D-E04-2319 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2545 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND SOCIOLOGY OF ORGANISATIONS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2546 BUSINESS LAW Hourly volume : 34h30 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 4.00
D-L04-3001 OPENING UNIT S3 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
D-U04-9043 ELECTIVE COURSE 1 -SEMESTER 3 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-U04-9050 ELECTIVE COURSE 2 -SEMESTER 3 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00

Manager: Gael Depoorter Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-2551 UNIT 1: DESIGNING AND BUILDING YOUR CAREER PATH Hourly volume : 30h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2561 TD LANSAD: ENGLISH Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-2562 CAREER GUIDANCE PROJECT Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-U04-2552 UNIT 2 UNDERSTANDING AND MEASURING SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR Hourly volume : 55h30 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 8.00
D-E04-2330 BEHAVIOURAL ECONOMICS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2563 QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES Hourly volume : 19h30 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-2564 AMS: CONDUCTING AND USING QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Hourly volume : 09h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 1.00
D-U04-2553 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING AND SITUATING PUBLIC POLICIES Hourly volume : 108h00 Coefficients : 6.00 Credits : 12.00
D-E04-2331 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2326 COMPARATIVE POLITICS 1: DEMOCRACIES Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 5.00
D-E04-2329 POLICY AND MACRO-ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 3.00
D-U04-2554 UNIT 4: DIAGNOSING THE FINANCIAL OPERATIONS OF COMPANIES Hourly volume : 28h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-2565 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND COST ACCOUNTING Hourly volume : 28h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-L04-9004 OPENING UNIT S4 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
D-U04-9044 ELECTIVE COURSE 1 -SEMESTER 4 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-U04-9054 CHOICE OF OPENING COURSE 2 -SEMESTER 4 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00


Manager: Ouassim Hamzaoui Voir le courriel

Manager: Jerome Joubert Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-0856 UE 1 CROSS-DISCIPLINARY Hourly volume : 42h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 5.00
D-E04-0181 UCE 1 ENGLISH Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-0226 UCE 2 PROJECT METHODOLOGY Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-U04-0859 UE 2 AES POLITICAL SCIENCE: CORE SUBJECTS Hourly volume : 81h00 Coefficients : 5.00 Credits : 11.00
D-E04-0219 UCE 1 SOCIOLOGY OF PUBLIC ACTION Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-0229 UCE 2 SOCIAL ECONOMY Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-0222 UCE 3 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Hourly volume : 31h30 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-U04-0857 UE 3 AES POLITICAL SCIENCE: ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS Hourly volume : 108h00 Coefficients : 5.00 Credits : 12.00
D-E04-0186 UCE 1 MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION AND DECISION SYSTEMS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0188 UCE 2 INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN ECONOMICS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0185 UCE 3 SOCIOLOGY OF MOBILISATION Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0227 UCE 4 GAME THEORY AND INFORMATION ECONOMICS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
T-B12-0005 ENTREPRENEURSHIP COURSE S5 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
D-L04-2005 OPENING UNIT S5 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U12-0525 UNIT 6 MASTERING THE LAW ON SETTING UP A BUSINESS Hourly volume : 35h00 Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
D-U04-9045 CHOICE OF OPENING COURSE1 -SEMESTER 5 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
T-U12-0526 UE 7 COMMUNICATING Hourly volume : 25h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-U04-9052 CHOICE OF OPENING COURSE 2 -SEMESTER 5 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00

Manager: Jerome Joubert Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-0861 UE1 CROSS-DISCIPLINARY Hourly volume : 42h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 5.00
D-E04-0191 UCE 1 ENGLISH Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-0192 UCE 2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND WORK PLACEMENT Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 3.00
D-U04-0867 UE 2 AES POLITICAL SCIENCE: CORE SUBJECTS Hourly volume : 81h00 Coefficients : 5.00 Credits : 8.00
D-E04-0230 UCE 1 INDUSTRIAL AND SERVICE ECONOMICS Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-0225 UCE 2 SOCIAL SCIENCE METHODS: QUALITATIVE SURVEYS Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-U04-0866 UE 3 AES POLITICAL SCIENCE: ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS Hourly volume : 132h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 15.00
D-E04-0195 UCE 1 EMPLOYMENT LAW Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0208 UCE 2 POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY OF THE DIGITAL AGE Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-0197 UCE 3 INFORMATION SOCIETY SYSTEMS & ORGANISATIONS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0209 UCE 4 PUBLIC ECONOMICS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0210 UCE5 PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-0223 UCE 6 EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
T-B12-0006 ENTREPRENEURSHIP COURSE S6 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U12-0508 UNIT 8 GETTING THE COMPANY OFF THE GROUND Hourly volume : 30h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
T-U12-0530 UNIT 10 TUTORED BUSINESS CREATION PROJECT Hourly volume : 10h00 Coefficients : Credits : 5.00
T-U12-0509 UE 9 BUSINESS ENGLISH Hourly volume : 30h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-L04-9006 OPENING UNIT S6 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
D-U04-9046 CHOICE OF OPENING COURSE1 -SEMESTER 6 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-U04-9056 CHOICE OF OPENING COURSE 2 -SEMESTER 6 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00

Manager: Ouassim Hamzaoui Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-0856 UE 1 CROSS-DISCIPLINARY Hourly volume : 42h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 5.00
D-E04-0181 UCE 1 ENGLISH Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-0226 UCE 2 PROJECT METHODOLOGY Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-U04-0859 UE 2 AES POLITICAL SCIENCE: CORE SUBJECTS Hourly volume : 81h00 Coefficients : 5.00 Credits : 11.00
D-E04-0219 UCE 1 SOCIOLOGY OF PUBLIC ACTION Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-0229 UCE 2 SOCIAL ECONOMY Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-0222 UCE 3 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Hourly volume : 31h30 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-U04-0857 UE 3 AES POLITICAL SCIENCE: ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS Hourly volume : 108h00 Coefficients : 5.00 Credits : 12.00
D-E04-0186 UCE 1 MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION AND DECISION SYSTEMS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0188 UCE 2 INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN ECONOMICS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0185 UCE 3 SOCIOLOGY OF MOBILISATION Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0227 UCE 4 GAME THEORY AND INFORMATION ECONOMICS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-L04-9005 OPENING UNIT S5 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
D-U04-9045 CHOICE OF OPENING COURSE1 -SEMESTER 5 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-U04-9052 CHOICE OF OPENING COURSE 2 -SEMESTER 5 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00

Manager: Ouassim Hamzaoui Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-0861 UE1 CROSS-DISCIPLINARY Hourly volume : 42h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 5.00
D-E04-0191 UCE 1 ENGLISH Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-0192 UCE 2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND WORK PLACEMENT Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 3.00
D-U04-0867 UE 2 AES POLITICAL SCIENCE: CORE SUBJECTS Hourly volume : 81h00 Coefficients : 5.00 Credits : 8.00
D-E04-0230 UCE 1 INDUSTRIAL AND SERVICE ECONOMICS Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-0225 UCE 2 SOCIAL SCIENCE METHODS: QUALITATIVE SURVEYS Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-U04-0866 UE 3 AES POLITICAL SCIENCE: ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS Hourly volume : 132h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 15.00
D-E04-0195 UCE 1 EMPLOYMENT LAW Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0208 UCE 2 POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY OF THE DIGITAL AGE Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-0197 UCE 3 INFORMATION SOCIETY SYSTEMS & ORGANISATIONS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0209 UCE 4 PUBLIC ECONOMICS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0210 UCE5 PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-0223 UCE 6 EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-L04-9007 LATE OPENING UNIT S6 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
D-U04-9076 ELECTIVE COURSE 1 -SEMESTER 6 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-U04-9086 CHOICE OF OPENING COURSE 2 -SEMESTER 6 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00

Manager: Renaud Descamps Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-0850 TRANSVERSAL Hourly volume : Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 30.00
D-E04-0180 ERASMUS SEMESTER OR MINIMUM 13-WEEK WORK PLACEMENT (+REPORT) Hourly volume : Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 30.00

Manager: Ouassim Hamzaoui Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
D-U04-0861 UE1 CROSS-DISCIPLINARY Hourly volume : 42h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 5.00
D-E04-0191 UCE 1 ENGLISH Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-0192 UCE 2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND WORK PLACEMENT Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 3.00
D-U04-0867 UE 2 AES POLITICAL SCIENCE: CORE SUBJECTS Hourly volume : 81h00 Coefficients : 5.00 Credits : 8.00
D-E04-0230 UCE 1 INDUSTRIAL AND SERVICE ECONOMICS Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-E04-0225 UCE 2 SOCIAL SCIENCE METHODS: QUALITATIVE SURVEYS Hourly volume : 40h30 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits : 4.00
D-U04-0866 UE 3 AES POLITICAL SCIENCE: ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS Hourly volume : 132h00 Coefficients : 4.00 Credits : 15.00
D-E04-0195 UCE 1 EMPLOYMENT LAW Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0208 UCE 2 POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY OF THE DIGITAL AGE Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-0200 UCE 3 COURSE AT IEP Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0209 UCE 4 PUBLIC ECONOMICS Hourly volume : 27h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 3.00
D-E04-0210 UCE5 PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL POLICIES Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-E04-0223 UCE 6 EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : 1.00 Credits : 2.00
D-L04-9006 OPENING UNIT S6 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
D-U04-9046 CHOICE OF OPENING COURSE1 -SEMESTER 6 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
D-U04-9056 CHOICE OF OPENING COURSE 2 -SEMESTER 6 Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 2.00

Job opportunities

Here are some examples of the jobs our graduates do after a Master's degree (Bac+5):
- Multi-skilled managers in the private sector: HR manager, sales manager, management controller, accountant, account manager, etc.
- Multi-skilled managers in the public sector: project manager, attaché or editor in a local authority, etc.
- Competitive entrance exams for the state civil service (including primary and secondary education) or the local civil service Graduate careers : Find out what has become of our former graduates on the Observatoire des Formations et de l'Insertion Professionnelle page:

Find out more


Practical information
Tel :04 90 16 27 49

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