University Diploma
Input level
BAC +3
1 year
Campus Hannah Arendt - 58° R.I.
Study plan
Initial, Continuous
Cost of training

Rates voted by the Board of Directors on 09 March 2023:
1,900 net of tax
For more information, please contact us.
*University fees in addition to tuition fees

Coming soon
Success rate
Coming soon
Satisfaction rate
Coming soon
Professional integration rate


Training objectives :
The DU Culture et handicap(s): accessibilité et inclusion offers training to ensure that the principles of accessibility and inclusion are applied in all their dimensions in the worlds of art and culture. The aim of this course, which is designed and offered as a classroom-based course, is to develop professional practices in the field of disability in the cultural sector and, more broadly, in the health, social, medico-social, education and media sectors.

Specific features of the course :
Overall, the DU Culture and disability(ies): accessibility and inclusion enables the acquisition of seven main skills:

- Understand the social, political, cultural, artistic and media issues surrounding disability in all its diversity.
- To understand changes in knowledge, measures and resources implemented to meet the challenges of accessibility and inclusion in relation to disability and culture.
- To be familiar with public policies on disability and the various levers (legislative, artistic, cultural and social) that exist to develop professional practices, improve access to cultural content, creation and cultural practices, and also to encourage the recruitment, professional integration and job retention of people with disabilities.
- Designing and carrying out cultural projects and cultural mediation activities for people with disabilities.
- Develop partnerships between cultural establishments and establishments in the medico-social, social and health sectors.
- Informing and communicating about disabilities, the schemes available and the actions that can be taken in the cultural, social, medico-social and health sectors.
- Encourage the widespread introduction of the role of "disability adviser" in public and private establishments in the cultural sector.

Public concerned:
- Arts and culture professionals (artists, administrators, technicians)
- Health, social and medico-social professionals working in the field of disability and culture.
- Professionals in education and journalism (particularly cultural journalism),
- People with disabilities and those accompanying them who wish to develop their skills with a view to taking up positions as cultural mediators, audience managers or disability advisors in cultural and health institutions.

Domain: Lifelong Learning

Description : The Lifelong Learning department promotes professional integration and social advancement. It enables employees or jobseekers to resume their studies throughout their lives in order to improve their skills or enhance their professional experience through diploma, certificate or qualification courses, as well as through the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE) or Professional Experience (VAP).

Director :

Teaching and laboratory team

This text will be updated shortly.
General diagram of the domain Curriculum diagram RNCP skills correlation table Outline of the course


Admission requirements

Admission requirements :
To apply for the course, you must provide proof of :

- Bac+3 level, RNCP level 6 qualification
- Diploma below bac + 3, level 6, accompanied by a request for validation of professional experience (VAPP). Eligibility for the VAPP scheme is subject to at least 3 years' professional experience in the field of arts and culture and/or disability.

Application :
Admission is based on an application and submitted to an educational committee.
The application must include
- CV
- Covering letter (candidate's career plans)
- Supporting documents corresponding to the applicant's qualifications or professional experience.
This text will be updated shortly.

Courses and levels


Manager: Emilie Pamart Voir le courriel

Manager: Emilie Pamart Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
T-U09-5101 DISABILITIES: FROM THEIR ORIGIN TO TODAY IN CULTURE Hourly volume : 07h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits :
T-U09-5102 PUBLIC RECEPTION Hourly volume : 07h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits :
T-U09-5103 EMPLOYER'S OBLIGATION Hourly volume : 07h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits :
T-U09-5104 CULTURAL MEDIATION ACTIVITIES FOR CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS Hourly volume : 07h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits :
T-U09-5105 DIVERSITY IN CREATION Hourly volume : 07h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits :
T-U09-5106 PROFESSIONAL POSTURE: PROFESSIONALITY, WHAT POSTURE P Hourly volume : 07h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits :
T-U09-5107 SHARING EXPERIENCES Hourly volume : 07h00 Coefficients : 2.00 Credits :
T-U09-5108 STUDY DAYS Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : 6.00 Credits :

Job opportunities

This text will be updated shortly.

Lifelong Learning

Relais Handicap

Training accessible to people with disabilities. Contact the Relais Handicap :

The SFTLV has a disability advisor:
04 32 74 32 20


Admission is based on an application and submitted to an educational committee.

The application must include

- CV

- Covering letter (candidate's career plans)

- Supporting documents corresponding to the applicant's qualifications or professional experience


Lifelong learning
74 rue Louis Pasteur
84029 Avignon
Tel: +33 (0)4 32 74 32 20

Important documents and links

Once you have registered, you will be asked to use the Digital Working Environment (ENT). Find out how to use it: Digital Working Environment (ENT)

Continuing education rate

Rates voted by the Board of Directors on 09 March 2023:
1,900 net of tax
For more information, please contact us.
*University fees in addition to tuition fees

Practical information

Lifelong learning

Find out more


Practical information
Lifelong Learning

1, Avenue de Saint Jean


Tel: 04 32 74 32 30

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