University Diploma
Input level
5 years
Jean-Henri Fabre Campus - Agrosciences
Study plan
Initial, Continuous
Cost of training
Environment - Geology, water sciences
Success rate
Satisfaction rate


The Master's degree in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering is a 5-year course designed to train hydrogeological engineers with an excellent foundation of subject-specific skills and a high degree of adaptability and adaptability in the workplace.

This course consists of a three-year BSc in Environmental Science (STE) followed by a two-year MSc in Hydrogeology, Soil and the Environment, to which additional modules are added to give the course its distinctive professional character.

By combining fundamental and applied hydrogeology with the impact of land use on water resources, the CMI R2E trains hydrogeologists to work in large organisations, universities or consultancies. They are capable of understanding and solving the problems of water managementIn this context of global change, the relationship with the landscape and the soil must be taken into account.

Find out more on the hydrogeology department

Le CMI is a five-year course (enhanced bachelor's and master's degrees) proposed by 30 French universities grouped together to form the FIGURE (Formation à l'InGénierie par des Universités de Recherche). The network covers all areas of engineering and prepares students to work in innovative companies (large groups, SMEs, start-ups, etc.) or in research laboratories.

With 113 CMIThe network also offers you the opportunity to build a personalised curriculum thanks to the inter-CMI mobility in one area. Visit national network standards defines and guarantees the balance between the components of this demanding and motivating traininginspired by the curricula of the world's leading universities.

From the first year and every semester, this course devotes a significant part to projects and courses as well as specific situational activitiescombining scientific expertise and personal development.

A CMI is always backed by a recognised research laboratory at both national and international level, and is heavily involved in partnerships with companies. A international mobility (internships or study semesters) is an integral part of the curriculum.

A Avignon UniversityThe CMI pathway consists of enrolment in the bachelor's and master's degrees, as well as automatic enrolment in the University Diploma (DU) encompassing the CMI.

The award of the CMI Label and the University Diploma implies :

-Validation of the bachelor's degree and master's degree for the CMI pathway
-Validation of additional CMI UEs
-Compulsory mobility abroad during the course (in the form of work experience or student mobility),
-B2 level English language certification
-PIX certification with a minimum of 400 points

Domain: Lifelong Learning

Description : The Lifelong Learning department promotes professional integration and social advancement. It enables employees or jobseekers to resume their studies throughout their lives in order to improve their skills or enhance their professional experience through diploma, certificate or qualification courses, as well as through the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE) or Professional Experience (VAP).

Director :

Teaching and laboratory team

This text will be updated shortly.
General diagram of the domain Curriculum diagram RNCP skills correlation table Outline of the course


Admission requirements

The CMI is a demanding and selective course.

Students are selected on the basis of their application and interview on the Parcoursup platform.

CMI admissions are possible in L1, L2, L3 or M1 under certain conditions.

Enrolment in a DU encompassing CMI is conditional upon enrolment in the Bachelor's or Master's degree that provides the course.
This text will be updated shortly.

Courses and levels


Manager: Christophe Emblanch Voir le courriel

Manager: Christophe Emblanch Voir le courriel

Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
T-C09-0151 CMI L1S1 CURRICULUM Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-4253 CMI 1 ENVIRONMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ADAPTATION Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
T-C09-0152 CMI L1S2 CURRICULUM Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-4302 CMI 2 KNOWLEDGE OF THE ENGINEERING PROFESSION IN ANY FIELD Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
T-U09-4241 CMI 3 STUDENT PROJECT: DESIGN AND SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
T-U09-4204 CMI 4 L1 WORK PLACEMENT Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
T-C09-0153 CMI L2S3 CURRICULUM Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-4205 CMI 5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
T-U09-4225 CMI 6 ORAL IMPROVISATION Hourly volume : 30h00 Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
T-U09-4207 CMI 7 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION TOOLS Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
T-U09-4242 CMI 8 GOOD RESEARCH PRACTICES Hourly volume : 12h00 Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
T-C09-0154 CMI L2S4 CURRICULUM Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-4227 CMI 9 SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION IN ENGLISH Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
T-U09-4228 CMI 13 BUSINESS CREATION (PARTICIPATION IN ENTREP / 24 H CHRONO) Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 5.00
T-U09-4243 CMI 10 STUDENT PROJECT: TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC REALISATION Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
T-U09-4231 CMI 11 L2 COURSE Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
T-C09-0155 CMI L3S5 CURRICULUM Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-4232 CMI 12 ECONOMICS, MARKETING AND INNOVATION Hourly volume : 36h00 Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
T-C09-0156 CMI L3S6 CURRICULUM Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-4233 CM1 14 PREPARATION FOR ENGLISH APPLICATIONS Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : Credits : 1.50
T-U09-4312 CMI 15 STUDENT PROJECT: DESIGN AND BUSINESS MODEL Hourly volume : 36h00 Coefficients : Credits : 4.00
T-C09-0157 CMI M1S7 CURRICULUM Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-4244 CMI 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION IN ENGLISH Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
T-U09-4245 CMI 17 MENTORING OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT PROJECTS Hourly volume : 09h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
T-C09-0158 CMI M1S8 CURRICULUM Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-4246 CMI 18 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL STRATEGY Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
T-E09-3501 CMI 18 A NETWORK LOGIC Hourly volume : 18h00 Coefficients : Credits : 2.00
T-E09-3507 CMI 18 B SELF-KNOWLEDGE Hourly volume : 12h00 Coefficients : Credits : 1.00
T-U09-4237 CMI 19 MARKETING STRATEGY Hourly volume : 30h00 Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
T-C09-0159 CMI M2S9 CURRICULUM Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-4256 CMI 20 REGULATIONS Hourly volume : 30h00 Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
T-E09-3510 CMI 20 A HUMAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL PROTECTION Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : Credits : 1.50
T-E09-3511 CMI 20 B KNOWLEDGE OF THE FRENCH AND EUROPEAN LEGAL AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Hourly volume : 15h00 Coefficients : Credits : 1.50
T-U09-4247 CMI 21 PREPARATION FOR TOEIC Hourly volume : 21h00 Coefficients : Credits : 1.50
T-U09-4240 CMI 22 SCIENTIFIC OUTREACH AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits : 3.00
T-C09-0160 CMI M2S10 CURRICULUM Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-P09-0101 COMPULSORY CONDITIONS FOR OBTAINING THE D.U. CMI Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-4501 PIX CERTIFICATION Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-4502 ENGLISH LANGUAGE CERTIFICATION Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-4503 VALIDATION OF TRAINING PERIODS Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :
T-U09-4504 INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY Hourly volume : Coefficients : Credits :


Manager: Vincent Marc Voir le courriel

Manager: Vincent Marc Voir le courriel

Presentation of the course : The HSE Master's degree is organised around a core curriculum common to the different types of Master's degree in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Technology and specialised courses in water and soil sciences.

Semester 3 is differentiated according to the type of course. For the HSE pathway, the teaching develops the analysis of complex hydrosystems and deals with concrete cases in the form of projects. The teaching is divided into 3 blocks of disciplines: hydrogeological systems (knowledge, measurements and modelling of complex hydrosystems), water and soil protection (transfer of pollutants in porous media, knowledge of pollutants, methods of action in the event of pollution), water management and uses (knowledge and representation of territorial heterogeneity, water in the agricultural context, geothermal energy).

This semester includes a number of hands-on projects. two field schools.
In UE1, one of the projects consists of establishing the level of vulnerability of a catchment field intended for the supply of drinking water. The students will be required to design the investigation methodology, carry out the fieldwork, exploit the historical data (hydrogeology, hydrochemistry) and then produce an initial proposal for distributed modelling. The operating diagram resulting from this work should lead to recommendations for reducing the vulnerability of the catchment area.
The second case study proposes an integrated approach to a large, complex hydrogeological system (transboundary aquifer). This time, the modelling approach is not aimed at building the model, but at developing an integrated tool for the operation of the system, with coupling with remote sensing data in particular.

EU2 offers 2 field schools. The first is organised in Evian in partnership with Danone Environnement and the Water Institute by Evian. Combining visits, lectures and field work, this course gives students the opportunity to discover the whole process of exploiting an aquifer, from the study of recharge conditions in the impluvium to commercial production, including protection measures and hygiene procedures. The second practical school is organised around one of the topics covered by our UMR, "methods of recharging aquifers in a man-made environment". During a week of alternating fieldwork, data analysis and modelling, we offer students one workshop a day to study the various processes involved in the surface/soil/groundwater continuum. This work is prepared, monitored and organised in coordination with INRAE colleagues from UMR EMMAH, who provide expertise, data and additional experimental equipment.

In UE3, the situational activity consists of proposing a complete study from diagnosis to remediation. This is an integrated procedure that calls on basic knowledge of the behaviour of pollutants in the environment, the specific methodologies inherent in studies of polluted sites and clean-up techniques, but students are also required to analyse the geological and hydrogeological context, to take account of the regulations in force and to assess the costs.
Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
S-U02-4508 UNIT 1 PRACTICAL STUDY OF HYDROGEOLOGICAL SYSTEMS Hourly volume : 123h00 Coefficients : 11.00 Credits : 11.00
S-U02-4509 UNIT 2 MANAGEMENT AND USE OF WATER RESOURCES Hourly volume : 120h00 Coefficients : 11.00 Credits : 11.00
S-U02-4510 UNIT 3 CONTAMINATED SITES AND SOILS REMEDIATION Hourly volume : 54h00 Coefficients : 8.00 Credits : 8.00

Manager: Vincent Marc Voir le courriel

Presentation of the course : Semester 4 is mainly devoted to the end-of-study internship. Prior to this, a preparatory course is offered in engineering and research in the water sciences (setting up and running a project, invitations to tender, public contracts, mock job interviews). The work placement can take place in a professional environment or in a research laboratory. It lasts between 20 and 32 weeks.
Courses and teaching units
Hourly volume
S-U02-4511 UNIT 1 PROFESSIONALISATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS Hourly volume : 30h00 Coefficients : 30.00 Credits : 30.00
S-E02-5318 UCE PROFESSIONALISATION Hourly volume : 30h00 Coefficients : 3.00 Credits : 3.00
S-E02-5320 UCE END-OF-STUDIES INTERNSHIP (AMS) Hourly volume : Coefficients : 27.00 Credits : 27.00

Job opportunities

Hydrogeology engineer
Environmental research engineer
Head of Water and Landscape Studies
Head of Water and Sanitation
Head of hydrogeology

The CMI also prepares students for further study at doctoral level.

Lifelong Learning

Relais Handicap

Training accessible to people with disabilities. Contact the Relais Handicap :

The SFTLV has a disability advisor:
04 32 74 32 20


Selection is based on application file and interview through the Parcoursup.


Enrolment in a DU encompassing CMI is conditional upon enrolment in the Bachelor's or Master's degree that provides the course.


Training coordinator: C. Emblanch

Email contact:

Secretariat e-mail contact:

Important documents and links

Once you have registered, you will be asked to use the Digital Working Environment (ENT). Find out how to use it: Digital Working Environment (ENT)

Continuing education rate
Practical information

Lifelong Learning



Find out more


Practical information
Lifelong Learning Service

1, Avenue de Saint Jean


Tel: 04 32 74 32 21

Other training courses